REVIERWELT. For Business.

The integration of your company as a Premium Partner of Revierwelt.

Your company presentation

With a REVIERWELT business page and a link in the Premium Partner area, you can reach your target group quickly and easily.

When you book our 12-month package, we will also create for you logo as a link in the premium partner area , we will also create a REVIERWELT business page on our platform. In order to to keep maintenance costs low for you, we are happy to link your existing Facebook page and retrieve your posts automatically. We can also implement the link to your YouTube channel.

If the customer clicks on the partner logo, they will be taken to either your Revierwelt business page or your own website.

More customer interaction

Users who access your REVIERWELTBusinesspage will find here the opportunity to promote your company with a Waidmanns-Like and subscribe to them. So also similar to Facebook – with the advantage that our platform is almost exclusively almost exclusively hunters.

By subscribing to a page, the customer receives your contributions directly as a push notification in the Revierwelt app and at the same time finds them in their personal newsfeed.

Understanding target groups

In the second half of the year, you as a company will receive Insights will give you an insight into the usage behavior of your Revierwelt business site. Insights not only give you valuable information about who your target group is, but also help you to understand what your target group wants.

In preparation are also socialplugins are also in preparation, which will allow users to interact platform and thus make an important contribution to understanding the target group.

Find out more in the REVIERWELT video.

We give you an overview of the unlimited possibilities of REVIERWELT.

We would be delighted if your interest in the REVIERWELT-social-media presence into a long-term cooperation.

We look forward to your inquiry!
