The beginning was the idea.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could reach all hunters in the hunting group with just one text message? In 2008, Alexander Vinnai and his father Wolfram Vinnai developed the basic features of today’s Revierwelt. It was a simple, nameless piece of software for the efficient distribution of SMS messages to multiple recipients.

You could send a text message to a predefined number and this was then distributed to several people at the same time. The people were fixed for each group.

An electronic district book.

There was no website or app yet. The software was only used in our own hunting group and was used to coordinate who was sitting on which hide today and who had done what in the hunting group.

However, it quickly became clear that the list of text messages would become confusing over time. That’s why, at the end of 2008, we developed the first function of Revierwelt, which is still at the heart of our software today: the district book.

The hunting group book documents all activities in the hunting group. Whether route reports, tasks or hide reservations.

Once started…

our requirements grew. The distribution of news worked well. Now we developed a first version of the interface – the website was born. Initially, users could only register and read the distributed news in the first version of the district book.

Six months after the introduction of the route book, we published the first version of the route list. Initially, it was only possible to make entries in this route list via the website. It was complicated to make entries via cell phone – smartphones were few and far between at the time. We therefore developed the “tag list”.

An automatic route list

With the help of the tag list, incoming messages in the hunting ground book were now searched for certain “tags” (keywords). For example, if someone sent a text message or email with the sentence “Fox dead at the Eiche pulpit”, a new entry was created in the track list and the hunter, game species and location fields were filled in. The track list then maintains itself.

To this day, this mechanism is a unique selling point of Revierwelt.

Things are moving fast.

The hunting group’s boundaries and facilities form the basis for its management. This is why we developed the digital hunting group map in 2010 to provide a better overview of the hunting group. The district map was already based on Google Maps at that time. However, it could only be accessed via the website and not via cell phone.

This year, we presented Revierwelt at a small hunting fair near Alsfeld and received a very positive response. The idea of using the innovative functions of Revierwelt to make everyday hunting easier for other hunters was born.

The Revierwelt always with you.

Due to the ever-increasing use of smartphones, especially the Apple iPhone, the desire to use Revierwelt on these devices and thus be able to work directly in the hunting group grew. And so we developed the first version of the Revierwelt app.

The Revierwelt app initially only contained the hunting ground map, the route list and the hunting ground facilities. Later, other functions such as a lunar calendar, weather forecast and trap monitoring were added.

Cooperation with game and dogs.

In cooperation with the magazine “Wild und Hund” published by Paul Parey Zeitschriftenverlag, we relaunched Revierwelt in 2012. This primarily changed the design. At the same time, the number of registered users and hunting groups increased significantly.

We have taken the positive feedback as an opportunity to develop further functions such as hide reservation, game management, GPS dog tracking, wildlife camera integration and trap monitoring.

To date, Revierwelt is the only software that can map all the tasks and activities of your hunt in one place.

We continue to grow.

Revierwelt is increasingly becoming the central platform for digital hunting management and the standard for hunting software. More and more customers – including national parks, game research centers and local authorities – are relying on Revierwelt.

Due to the individual requirements of Revierwelt, we are building in a new, powerful tool – the user-defined functions, with which every Revierwelt user can develop modules adapted to their needs. This brings the number of functions included in Revierwelt to over 70.

Manufacturers of surveillance devices such as wildlife cameras and trap detectors are also becoming aware of the Revierwelt and are offering their products in a special Revierwelt edition – such as Minox, Minkpolice or Trapmaster.

On and on.

Over the past 10 years, we have received a great deal of positive feedback and numerous suggestions for enhancements from more than 20,000 hunting groups in Germany, Austria and Switzerland that use our Revierwelt, which we have repeatedly incorporated into the existing program structure. New, more powerful processors and computers constantly offer our software developers new opportunities to exploit their strengths.

This prompted us to completely redevelop Revierwelt. The previous structure no longer met our expectations of user-friendly and modern software. In addition, Revierwelt 1.0 lacked important social functions for direct exchange between hunters.

At the Jagd & Hund 2019 trade fair, we released the first demo version of the new Revierwelt 2.0, which has been given a completely new and faster “motorization” in addition to a modern appearance. It also includes many new functions for hunting management and social media functions, such as driven hunt planning, your personal bulletin board and a messenger. However, there are interesting new features not only for individual hunters, but also for our customers from professional hunting groups, forestry, universities, national parks and local authorities. Of course, we will also continue to develop special functions tailored to your individual requirements.

The web version of Revierwelt 2.0 has been available since April 2019.

But the story is far from over at this point: we are expanding Revierwelt every day – for you. We want you to be able to use all hunting contacts, activities and functions in one place with Revierwelt.

REVIERWELT – The whole hunt in one place.

Driven hunt planning

The highlight of the hunting year is of course the fall with its driven hunts. Extensive preparations begin long beforehand to ensure that everything runs smoothly and safely on this day. The planning and execution of driven hunts covers many areas and takes time. Revierwelt offers you the driven hunt planning function, newly developed in 2020, with which you can conveniently plan and process all activities before, during and after the driven hunt.

Starting with the invitation list, the assignment of shooters to stands, the printout of hunting ground maps, stand maps and driver maps, the compilation of driver and dog groups including GPS monitoring through to route recording and game marketing, this function handles all tasks in a simple and convenient way.

Dog tracking

In addition to the existing Revierwelt application, with all the familiar and, in the future version, even more advanced usage options, we offer special apps for individual functional areas. After three years of development, we are releasing the REVIERWELT dog tracking app, based on the new REVIERWELT architecture, with countless improvements for mobile use in hunting operations, which has been specially optimized to meet the requirements of our dog handlers.
Further specialized apps for trap monitoring, camera monitoring and driven hunts are being planned. Of course, you will also find these innovations and enhancements in the new complete version of the Revierwelt app.

The new REVIERWELT apps have been released!

The new REVIERWELT is the basis for comprehensive digital hunting management, as a web application and as a mobile app for online and offline use. Countless improvements for mobile use in hunting operations have been implemented. Many suggestions from our loyal REVIERWELT users for improving the app have been incorporated into the development.

For specialized purposes, there are apps for dog tracking, wildlife cameras, trap monitoring and driven hunts.

And best of all: all new REVIERWELT apps are now available for free in the store!

Faster, bigger, further…

The hunting ground world is growing and growing. More and more hunters, more and more hunting groups and the desire for more and more new functions also present us with new technical challenges. In order to be prepared for this, we keep our company-owned servers in a TIER 3 data center in Frankfurt a. M. up to date with the latest technology. New servers with faster and larger storage media were also installed this year.

In addition to many new functions, we have also released two new apps this year: The Revierwelt Community App and the Revierwelt Marketplace App now expand our portfolio to seven free apps.


In 2024, our developers have once again set new standards in digital hunt management. In addition to the integration of artificial intelligence to recognize objects on game camera images, the newly designed and extensively expanded “Drückjagd” function stands out in particular, which can digitally map social hunts from planning to evaluation and thus represents a real relief, especially for hunts with many participants. After convenient planning in the browser, the hunt can be followed live by all participants on day X via the new “Stand map” app.

In order to be able to do justice to all these tasks, we have strengthened our team this year with two more employees.

REVIERWELT. By hunters, for hunters.

Alexander Vinnai

Founder & Managing Director

Wolfram Vinnai

Product Manager

Maik Hamacher


Stefan Ott

Web & Support

Nils Gier


Patrick Krug


Lukas Ott


Arne Gerhold


Peter Kizina
