Bottom line.
At the end of the hunting year, the result is what counts. For this reason, Revierwelt offers you a wide range of evaluation options. Once the shooting plan fulfilled? Have the game yields increased compared to the previous year? Which traps caught the most game? Information that is important for your hunting group is prepared according to various criteria and displayed graphically. This means you always know where your target has been met and where improvements need to be made.
All data from the route list can be displayed in graphical form or in list form. For example, you can display the shooting plan created at the start of the hunting year. shooting plan at the beginning of the hunting year at any time and display it clearly in graphical form. Of course, the data can be filtered according to all possible criteria, e.g. by hunter, game species, location of the kill and many more.
Of course, you can also create your own evaluations of all the data collected in Revierwelt, from the trap monitoring as well as from the cash bookthe game management or the hunting group pinboard.
Create and export documents
Of particular interest is the option of exporting the evaluations compiled from the collected data to documentsfor example in the official route report. However, documents can also be created from individual data records. Revierwelt already offers many templates for this: game origin certificates, hunting permits, Trichinella sample slips, hide change delivery bills and many more.