REVIERWELT. The whole hunt in one place.

Hunting management

Revierwelt is the largest provider with the most comprehensive solution in the field of hunting management. From hunters to forestry operations, all requirements can be covered – tailored to the needs of each individual thanks to its modular structure. With over 120 functions, all hunting activities can be recorded and coordinated in one place: Entering route reports, creating a hunting ground map, AI-supported game camera monitoring, GPS dog tracking, planning and carrying out a driven hunt and game marketing: Revierwelt offers everything you need for everyday hunting – in one place!


In the Revierwelt community you will find everything to do with hunting. Well-known companies, associations and brands are represented in Revierwelt. Keep up to date with the latest hunting news by subscribing to pages, joining groups or publishing your own posts. Network with your hunting friends and like-minded people, upload photos or documents centrally, plan your upcoming hunting events or organize an online meeting. The Revierwelt community offers all this and more and is and remains free of charge!


On the marketplace you will find brands and products from hunting-related companies. And that’s not all: you can even offer your own used or as-new items as a private advertisement on our marketplace or purchase items from the Revierwelt community. Revierwelt advertisements are classified ads for hunting – an online marketplace for buying, selling and exchanging. Our offer is rounded off by our game market, which gives you the opportunity to offer your game to a wide range of buyers via the Internet directly from the meat management system at the click of a mouse.

REVIERWELT. Your reliable companion for hunting.

Revierwelt accompanies you and your fellow hunters through everyday hunting with over 120 different functions.
You can find an overview of the extensive possibilities of Revierwelt here.

Hunting group pinboard

Do you always want to be up to date? The hunting group pinboard is the hub of your hunting group! All activities, such as hide reservations and route reports, are documented here and forwarded to your fellow hunters.

District map

All information flows together geographically on the hunting ground map. In addition to hunting grounds and the current wind direction in the hunting group, reports from traps or game cameras are also displayed here.

Seat reservation

Which seat is available in the desired period? Revierwelt’s seat reservation system informs every member of the hunting ground immediately and marks the corresponding seat directly on the hunting ground map. A glance at the map is all it takes to know which hunting ground is still available. You can also block certain seats depending on other seats. Stalking areas can also be marked and reserved. Try it out for yourself!

Route list

The route list in Revierwelt is the basis for all further evaluations. It is also closely linked to game management. An entry in the track list can be made either manually via the app or the PC or by sending a message to the hunting ground book (via SMS or e-mail). For example, the text message “Fox dead” causes a new entry to be created in the track list. Practical for all those who do not have a smartphone or app.


With Revierwelt, you can create professional evaluations based on the existing route list in no time at all. For example, you can compare entered shooting plans against the track list – all hunters in the hunting group are automatically notified when the plan is fulfilled.


Revierwelt connects – you can exchange ideas with other hunters, just like on Facebook. This is how you create your hunting network – simply, quickly and effectively. Communicate with each other quickly and easily – Whats App has shown the way, and Revierwelt has an integrated messenger.

Game management

Revierwelt offers you various functions for game management (e.g. as an extension to the track list). This includes weighing & labeling with self-designed labels as well as meat management with QR and barcodes and the game calculator for costing. In the venison market, you can send certain buyers a link to your newly arrived venison so that they always know if and when you have venison for sale.

Driven hunt planning

The planning and execution of driven hunts covers many areas and takes time. With driven hunt planning, Revierwelt offers you a function with which you can conveniently plan and process all activities before, during and after the driven hunt. Starting with the invitation list, the assignment of shooters to stands, the printing of hunting ground maps, stand maps and driver maps, the compilation of driver and dog groups including GPS monitoring, through to route recording and game marketing, this function handles all tasks in a simple and convenient way.


Each function in Revierwelt is stored in the rights management. The founder of the hunting group can set which user has access to which function. He has three different setting options: Read, write and delete.

User-defined functions

Would you like to use Revierwelt in professional hunting operations or are the functions offered not sufficient? Then you can use the user-defined functions to create your own data management options. These functions are then automatically synchronized on every app of every hunting ground member and can also be used there. Expand Revierwelt according to your wishes – easily and without any programming effort!

Tag list

For professional hunting ground management, Revierwelt offers the tag list. This analyzes messages entered in the hunting ground book for keywords and carries out certain actions if it finds them (e.g. if the word “shot” is found, a new track list entry is created). This allows you to easily define actions without having to look through the entries in the hunting ground book manually.


You can purchase all Revierwelt products on our Revierwelt marketplace. Many manufacturers and dealers from the hunting sector are also represented here. You can also offer your own articles via advertisements on our marketplace or purchase articles from other Revierwelt users here. Our game market offers you the opportunity to offer your game to a wide range of buyers directly from the Revierwelt meat management system – at the click of a mouse via the Internet!

REVIERWELT. All possibilities.

Whether you just need a digital hunting ground map, want to locate your hunting dog with GPS or want to use all 120 functions of Revierwelt:
You’ve come to the right place.

Revierwelt offers you everything you need for everyday hunting. In one place.

Meat management

Driven hunt

Wildlife cameras

Game management

GPS dog tracking


REVIERWELT. Apps for Apple iOS and Google Android.

The Revierwelt app supports safety in hunting operations and the management of hunting ground data. It communicates all hunting activities in the hunting ground community with minimal effort for the individual hunter. The app automatically synchronizes all activities reported in the Revierwelt.

REVIERWELT. Facts and figures.

Connected countries
Various functions
Registered hunting groups

REVIERWELT. Customer opinions.

Convince yourself of Revierwelt!
