
REVIERWELT. One for all.

In the event of a case…

In the event of a crisis, e.g. a widespread wildlife disease such as African swine fever, Revierwelt enables fast and direct communication between local hunters and the responsible authorities. All relevant data is transmitted in real time and without additional effort, so that carcass findings can be reported directly from the location where they were found. The flow of information between all involved parties, offices and authorities is direct and uncomplicated.

Secure data transmission

The game data can be transmitted to the authorities via Revierwelt completely digitally and thus in real time. Illegibility and other sources of error are ruled out. With the Revierwelt game tag, all the necessary information on the game shot is securely stored and linked to the corresponding ASF or Trichinella sample. No more information is lost. Each sample can be assigned 100% exactly to one piece of game!

All advantages at a glance

All information in one place.

Keeping all information in one place, providing a platform for communicate and collaborate, collect data from different sources and devices sources and devices in a structured way, analyze it, analyzed, processed and presented to the right people, on any device, anywhere – these are the tasks of Revierwelt.

Modular design.

RevierWELT has been developed on a modular basis. Revierwelt can be dedicated in its own environment or tailored to your own requirements as a hosted platform. Modules include game marketing incl. proof of origin, hide reservation & coordination, driven hunt planning and implementation or rights management.

On-site or from the cloud.

The flexibility of Revierwelt is reflected in the way it can be operated: we can tailor Revierwelt precisely to your needs and provide you with a version of Revierwelt On-Premise that is customized to your requirements. This then offers exactly the functions you need to map your processes.


Meat management

Driven hunt

Wildlife cameras

Game management

GPS dog tracking

Convince yourself of Revierwelt!
